4. December 2018 | Marathon-News

Vote now for the “Marathon of the year 2018”

The starting shot is off – You can not vote for your favorite marathon at Marathon4you. The results of the previous year show, that it isn’t necessarily the biggest or the fastest. As a hobby runner, other things are more important: The attractivity of the course, the atmosphere, the catering, the things around it and certainly not last the prize/performance comparison.


This time it is a multi-day flight for two people to the Stockholm Marathon on June 01, 2019, **** hotel and starting places included. The main prize sponsor is interAir Sports and Incentive Travel.

Just like in the previous years, the total winner and the country winners, as well as the favorite Ultra, city, scenic and mountain marathon. I can’t wait, how you decide this time. Anyone can participate.

The 31st of December 2018 at midnight is the last chance to get your vote in. Then the votes won’t only be counted, but also there will be something to win. Then of course this year, there are interesting trips you can win.


The rules are simple. Anyone can participate one time and can only pick one event from the suggestion list. Winner is the marathon, that gets the most votes. The voting ends on the 31st of December, 2017.
Here is the link to the voting: http://www.marathon4you.de/voting